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WS19, WIRELESS SET NO 19, 19 SET, WS18, 18 SET, WS22, 22 SET, WS38, 38 SET

The Wireless-Set-No19 Group
Royal Signals

WWII D-Day Radio Broadcasts.

D-Day Appeal on CBS 'Spry's Real Life Stories George Hicks CAN-Live off Normandy Before D-Day H-Hour
D-Day Prayer From CBS Herbert M Clark Text Report to US, D-Day 0342 hrs
De Gaulle's D-Day Broadcast to France James Willard CAN, D-Day Landings From Marauder
Edward R. Murrow D-Day Approx.1845 hrs John W. Van Der Cook CAN, ''The Invasion of Western Europe Has Begun"
Edward R. Murrow D-Day Approx 2210 hrs King George VI Addresses Peoples of British Empire, D-Day 1500 hrs
Edward R. Murrow Early D-Day Afternoon FDR's D-Day Prayer 2200 hrs
Eisenhower D-Day Speech to AEF Merrill Mueller CAN-SHAEF Assessment of D-Day Landings
Farnsworth Powell CBS Approx.1850 hrs - Rome on D-Day Montgomery
Lipton Soup Ad For 5th War Bond Drive on CBS Quentin Reynolds CBS-Analysis of Eisenhower's D-Day Broadcast

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